Wednesday 1 June 2016

John Herschel Glenn, Jr.

Word Bank:
test pilot

John Herschel Glenn, Jr. (1921 - ) piloted the first American manned orbital mission on February 20, ______1962_______. Marine Lieutenant Colonel Glenn was one of NASA's original Mercury __________astronauts________.Glenn flew NASA's Friendship 7, a Mercury-Atlas 6 spacecraft, to about 162 miles in altitude, going at a maximum orbital _________velocity________ of about 17,500 miles per hour. This mission orbited the __________test pilot_______ 3 times and lasted 4 hours, 55 minutes, and 23 __________________________, from launch to impact in the Atlantic _______Ocean_____________. This was the first US manned orbital ____mission_____________.Glenn was ___________born________ on July 18, 1921, in Cambridge, __________________________. He graduated from Muskingum College in New Concord, Ohio, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering. He and _______Anna__________ Margaret Castor married, and they had two children. In 1943, Glenn was commissioned in the Marine __________________________ and joined Marine Fighter Squadron 155; he flew F-4U fighter planes on 59 combat missions in the Marshall Islands (in the Pacific Ocean) during World War 2. He also flew 63 missions with Marine Fighter Squadron 311 during the __________________________ War. After attending the Naval Air Test Center at Patuxent River, Maryland, Glenn became a ________Corps________. Glenn retired a Colonel in the US Marine Corps on January 1, 1965.Glenn was the US __________________________ from Ohio from November, 1974 until January, 1999. In 1998, 36 years later, Glenn flew a 9-day mission on the Space ________Shuttle_________ STS-95 Discovery (October 29 to November 7, 1998). During this mission, the crew and spacecraft orbited the Earth 134 times, traveling 3.6 million miles in 213 hours and 44 minutes.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Nelson Mandela – Turning point and achievement

Turning Time:
When his father died, Mandela and was groomed for becoming chief of his local tribe. 

 In 1952 Mandela and Tambo opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa.

In 1944 Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League, whose Programme of Action was adopted by the ANC in 1949. Mandela was instrumental in pushing the ANC into more direct action such as the 1952 Defiance Campaign and later acts of sabotage.

In 1944 Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League, whose Programme of Action was adopted by the ANC in 1949. Mandela was instrumental in pushing the ANC into more direct action such as the 1952 Defiance Campaign and later acts of sabotage.

1960 the Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s changed the whole political climate. 

by 1962 Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison. 
Mandela’s release in 1990
 on 10 May 1994 Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa on and was President until June 1999. 

In 1993- awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk
 In 1952 Mandela and Tambo opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa.
he Transvaal Law Society tried to have it closed down, although this was blocked by the South African Supreme Court.
However on 10 May 1994 Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa on and was President until June 1999
His advocacy of reconciliation led to international acclaim and importantly the trust of the White African population. 
In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Nelson Mandela –Time line

Nelson Mandela – Time line

1918- Born at Qunu, near Umtata
1944- Helped found the A N C youth league.
1949- The program was adopted by the A N C. 
1952- He was instrumental in pushing the A N C into more action. 
1952- Became a lawyer and opened the first black Law firm in South Africa.
1962- Had been arrested. 
1990- Became the lieder of South Africa.  
1994- Became a president.
1993- Awarded the Nobel peace prize jointly with F .W .D e Klerk.  
1999- He was President until this time. 

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Fred Hollows (1929 - 1993)

Time line:
Fred Hollows

  • 1929- born in New Zealand
  • 1960- got a job in Australia
  • 1965- head of the Eye Department at a Sydney hospital
  • 1970- helped launch a national program to attack eye disease in Aboriginal Australians
  • 1970-1973 treated 30,000 people
  • 1980- travelling all over the world to help set up eye health programs in developing countries
  • 1989- knew he was dying of cancer
  • 1993- died at home

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Reg Saunders 1920 - 1990

Time line:
  • 1920: The Gunditjmara man was born in 1920
  • 1934:he attended school 
  • 1937:ran a sawmill with his father and brother
  • 1940:enlisted to fight in the Second World War. 
  • 1941: put ashore on the island of Crete
  • 1942:escaped on a British submarine and returned to Australia
  • 1944-1945:was promoted to lieutenant in 1944 and married his first wife and discharged from the army in 1945.
  • 1950:  rejoined the army as a lieutenan
  • 1954: requested discharge from the army
  • 1954-1965:employed by a bronze manufacturer
  • 1969-recruited to the Office of Aboriginal Affairs
  • 1971-recognised for his community work
  • 1980-retirement
  • 1982-remarried - an Irish nurse named Pat Montgomer
  • 1990-passed away

Wednesday 27 April 2016

TONY Abbott crashed wedding

1:TONY Abbott crashed the glamorous Sydney wedding
2:Wedding of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak's son
3:TONY Abbott wanted to meet Steve Wozniak
4:Steve Wozniak like TONY Abbott. even though he disagree with his politics.
5:A spokesman for Mr Abbott confirmed the encounter.

TONY Abbott crashed the glamorous Sydney wedding of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak's son.TONY Abbott wanted to meet Steve Wozniak.Steve Wozniak like TONY Abbott. even though he disagree with his politics.

Personal reflection:
After retired from the position of prime minister, TONY Abbott take part in different high level party actively.  

Tuesday 22 March 2016

23/03/2016 Task 2 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8

Task2:a) Bibliography
4:a list of books, articles, etc. which provide further reading on the themes covered in the book; usually found at the end

b) Title page 11: title, author and publisher

c) Appendix6: additional information, often for reference purposes, found at the end of the book

d) preface/introduction 
9: the author’s aims and the coverage of the book

e) Acknowledgements 
8:thanks to people who have helped with the book

f) contents  
3: a list of the main topics by chapter

g) chapters 
1: the units of the book

h) references 
2: sources used by the author

i) glossary 
10: a mini-dictionary of specialist terms used

j) index 
5: an alphabetical list of topics in detail

k) back cover
7: selling points, author information, positive reviews

l) Foreword 
12: a short introduction to the book written not by the author but by someone familiar with the author’s work

Task 6


2 Author/s or Editor/s: CHRIS TEMBY

3 Publisher, Date and Place of Publication: McPherson’s Printing Group 2000 In Australia

4 Edition: FIRST

5 Level : beginner

6 Aims: Teach beginner how to do start money maker job

7 Main Topics Covered: Australia's Financial Markets and Their Derivatives

8 Special Features

9 Library Shelf-mark/Call Number


Index keyword
1 railways
 e) transportation
2 cultivation of oranges
      j) citrus farming
3 troposphere 
 f) climate
4 cotton growing 
  i) industrial crops
5 underpopulation
      h) population
6 Panama Canal
c) sea routes
7 growth of New York
 b) urbanisation
8 uranium
      a) ores
9 coal production 
      d) mining
10 rainfall
g) atmosphere

Which page or pages would you refer to first in this extract from the index of Natural Disasters to find information on the following? Be
prepared to justify your choice. Work as quickly as you can and note
the time you take. When you have found your answers, compare
them with another student’s. Note: a boldface entry indicates a
figure; an entry in italics indicates a table.
1 the reasons for subsidence in Venice
2 the sociology of disasters involving skyscrapers
3 effects of snow in cities
4 aid for developing world countries
5 disasters in Texas
6 frequency of tornadoes in the USA
7 psychological stress
8 relationship between tides and earthquakes
9 assessing the stability of slopes

10 how tornadoes are formed